EMPAC operates in the field of concrete prefabrication and continuously seeks the satisfaction of its clients, shareholders and employees.
The "Integrated Management System" is a fundamental step in the improvement of processes, products and services throughout the organization. Its premise, for its development is the guarantee of results and the strategy in the participation and effective involvement of all the employees of the organization, in a joint effort in the pursuit of these cited results in order to improve the quality of products, services and productivity.
The 8S Program is a work philosophy that seeks to promote discipline in the company through conscience and responsibility of all, in order to make the work environment pleasant, safe and productive.
It is very important that our attitudes can incorporate the 8S methodology, in a program of changes of habits and behaviors.
As a strategy, the 8S Program is focused on reducing costs, improving the quality of products and services, and increasing productivity. This is achieved by combating all forms of waste. It is the human resources, or rather, educated, qualified and trained people who, with motivation, make these changes.
Educating, qualifying the employee and training, are the challenges that require a lot of leadership determination.
Each Sense must be carefully worked so that we can consolidate the whole practice according to strategic guidelines of the Integrated Management System aligned with the strategic planning of the company.
For many, perhaps the word combat has sounded strongly in the title of this brief article on waste of production.
But the idea is this, to make the waste be seen as harmful and eliminated factors of the productive process, and thus increase competitiveness, avoiding such unnecessary activities.
Waste is often an unnecessary activity within the company, ie it is any activity that does not add value to the product.
Therefore, it is of extreme importance not only to measure, but to identify where the waste is, and try to minimize it.
Accounting for these wastes can be a key part of the competitive economy, as wastes that are often imperceptible are potential that are no longer exploited by companies.
EMPAC as a company active in the field of prefabricated concrete, continuously seeks the satisfaction of its customers, shareholders and employees, as well as business profitability, focusing on quality, compliance with legal, statutory and customer requirements , social responsibility, the preservation of the environment and the improvement of its Integrated Management System.
Quality Objectives
The Quality Objectives, aligned with the Quality Policy, are the following:
- Promote the improvement of all internal processes, making EMPAC increasingly competitive, effective and adding even more value to your brand; p>
- Develop products that fully meet the needs and expectations of customers and consumers, aiming at their total satisfaction; p>
- Ensure a healthy and safe work environment in all units;
- Invest in training and development of teams, improving their performance;
- Fully respect the environment and nature, operating in a sustainable way;
- Maintain responsible and transparent communication at all levels of the organization;
- Comply with applicable legislation and the requirements with which we are committed.
The EMPAC aims at the sustainable production of concrete artifacts, respecting the environment, optimizing the use of natural resources and minimizing the generation of waste, complying with environmental legislation, implementing goals and objectives, seeking to improve processes, incorporating environmental issues to your business.
The Senior Management of the EMPAC Group defines the Environmental Policy and ensures that, within the defined scope of its Environmental Management System, the policy:
p> a) Is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities, products and services;b) Includes a commitment to continuous improvement and pollution prevention;
c) Includes the commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements under EMPAC that relate to environmental aspects;
(d) Provides a framework for the establishment and analysis of environmental goals and targets;
e) It is documented, implemented and maintained;
(f) has been communicated to all those who work for EMPAC or acting on their behalf;
g) It is available to the public.
For EMPAC - "Empresa de Artefatos de Concreto Ltda", social responsibility is the integrated, ethical and transparent management of the interests of its business and activities and its relations with all its clients / suppliers, promote human rights and the full exercise respecting human and cultural diversity, working to eradicate discrimination, degrading, child labor and forced labor, and contributing to sustainable development and to reducing social inequality.
Integrated Management System
Ensure integrated management with social responsibility throughout the EMPAC Group.
Corporate Performance
Corporate governance of the EMPAC Group is committed to ethics and transparency in its relationship with its customers / suppliers.
Sustainable development
Carry out the interests of the Business System and activities with social responsibility, fulfill the commitments assumed based on the principles established by the UN Global Compact, and contributing to the sustainable development of the whole organization.
Human rights
Respect and support internationally recognized human rights, basing actions with the aim to promote the principles of decent work, non-discriminatory work.
Respect the human and cultural diversity of your workforce and the sector in which you operate.
Principles of work
Support the eradication of forced, child labor and degrading work in the supply chain of the EMPAC Group.
Sustainable Social Investment
Seek the sustainability of social investment to boost social development in communities.
Workforce Commitment
Ensure the commitment of the workforce to the Social Responsibility Policy.
The EMPAC Group, focused on excellence in concrete prefabrication for electrification, construction and transportation with quality and productivity, aiming to ensure the Safety and Health at Work of its employees and partners, preserving the physical integrity and preventing diseases arising from the work, expresses its Health and Safety at Work Policy and defines as basic principles that:
The safety and health of employees always comes first:
- The EMPAC Group units should be fully committed to the zero accident goal and all aspects of Occupational Safety and Health;
- Accident prevention is the duty and commitment of all, regardless of position or function;
- Training, education and awareness about accident prevention must be continuously promoted in order to reinforce the commitment of all professionals;
- The EMPAC Group must meet legal and regulatory requirements related to safety and health, as well as verify the applicability of these by its partners;
- Each employee, in addition to practicing safety rules and recommendations and using appropriate personal and collective protective equipment, is responsible for preserving and maintaining their safety;
- All the necessary actions will be developed by the EMPAC Group's Senior Management for the effective fulfillment of its Occupational Health and Safety Policy;
- The disclosure of this policy presented through this material will be promoted at all levels in the EMPAC Group Units.
The EMPAC Group defines a Policy for the Treatment of Customer Complaints, guiding all actions and procedures that should be disclosed to all company professionals, with a view to understanding and directing their activities. The Policy for the Treatment of Customer Complaints was thus defined: p>
EMPAC as a company active in the field of concrete prefabrication, undertakes to seek continuous improvement of products and services, valuing and effectively treating customer complaints, knowing, defining responsibilities, critically analyzing the results, compromising to comply and subject itself to penalties in law to meet legal, statutory and client requirements.
For this, we commit to:
a) To value and give effective treatment to complaints presented by customers;
b) Know and commit to comply and subject the penalties in law;
c) Critically analyze the results, as well as take due measures, depending on the complaints received;
d) Define responsibilities for handling complaints;
e) Undertake to respond to the Inmetro any complaint that it has received and within the time limit established by it.
Aligned with the Mission, Vision, Values and Quality Policy, guided by Ethics, with the objective of remaining competitive and acting with business excellence, considering in its decision processes the balance of economic, social and environmental dimensions with the current needs of society and future generations, EMPAC defines a set of principles and guidelines for its business performance.
For this, we commit to: b>
a) Conduct the business in accordance with the country's current legislation, adopting precepts of social responsibility and consistent with the national and global commitments publicly assumed;
b) To act responsibly on the use of natural resources, considering the limits and capacity of regeneration of the natural environment, mitigating impacts and contributing to the preservation of biodiversity, water resources, energy resources and continuously seeking alternatives creative in their operations;
c) Promote the diversity and permanent development of the human and intellectual capital of its professionals, in a fair, clear and meritorious way;
d) Promote and build an internal and external organizational communication process open to permanent social dialogue;
e) Engage stakeholders in the Sustainability model and structure decisions and choices based on the principles governed by this model and lead efforts to develop joint agreements and projects between private initiative, society and government;
f) Encourage and support the initiatives of professionals, suppliers, clients, local partners, governments and society that share our commitments to Sustainability and Social Responsibility, in order to undertake changes in a responsible, ethical and just manner, seeking the environmental balance and collective well-being;g) Build and maintain a business logic with a commitment to generate wealth;
h) Seek improved management and performance in sustainability.
The Risk Management Policy defines a set of principles and guidelines for Risk Management of EMPAC - "Concrete Artifact Company Ltd.", in order to enable the identification, evaluation, prioritization and management of risks to the perpetuity of the business. b>
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines governing Based Management Risk, sufficient to provide the EMPAC ability to fulfill its mission and its strategic objectives, with the assumptions: b>
· Establish the principles, guidelines and responsibilities for EMPAC Risk management, guide the identification, evaluation, treatment, monitoring and communication of risks that may affect the achievement of company objectives, establish controls and procedures for monitoring, in order to prevent its occurrence or minimize its impact and to incorporate the risk vision into strategic decision making.
· Ensure that risks are managed in a Preventive, Safe, Efficient and Effective manner.
· Optimize our operational efficiency.
· Preserve and increase the value of our organization by reducing the likelihood and / or impact of loss events.
· Adopt and disseminate a greater transparency vis-à-vis stakeholders by recognizing the risks inherent in its operations, mitigation procedures, and actual effectiveness.
· Contribute to the maintenance and continuous improvement of the corporate image by measuring, monitoring and managing performance impacts of operations, providing a scenario of lower stakeholder risk.
· Establish a culture of effective risk management in EMPAC.
· Anticipating and responding to changing economic, social, environmental and legislative requirements.
· Raise awareness of the need for risk management.
· Respond to institutional demands on the subject and initiate a cycle of continuous improvement of governance mechanisms.